Our Resources

Buckingham clients enjoy access to a wealth of our continuously updated insights and educational resources. As a trusted, go-to voice in the industry, we also publish some of our findings and perspectives for everyone’s benefit. From articles to podcasts to videos, see our latest below.

  • Retirement

    June 17, 2024

    Are You Ready to Retire? 4 Questions to Consider

    Many individuals approaching retirement are struggling with the question, “Am I ready to retire or should I continue working?” Here are some key points to consider when making this important decision.

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  • Retirement

    May 22, 2024

    7 Critical IRA Errors to Avoid

    Chief Planning Officer Jeffrey Levine shares information on the general principles of financial, insurance, investment, income, retirement and estate planning.

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  • Retirement

    April 02, 2024

    5 Steps to a Less-Taxing Retirement

    In this interactive webinar, Buckingham’s Chief Planning Officer Jeffrey Levine shares five strategies to empower those preparing for retirement.

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  • Family Life & Transitions

    July 17, 2023

    6 Key Financial Considerations for Unmarried Couples

    Marriage may not be part of the plan for every couple. These strategies can help unmarried couples avoid conflict while working toward their financial goals together.

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  • Retirement

    July 11, 2023

    10 Key Elements of a Fulfilling Retirement

    In this episode of Buckingham Weekly Perspectives, Chief Investment Officer Kevin Grogan shares 10 key elements for creating and living a fulfilling retirement.

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  • Retirement

    May 16, 2023

    Safe Withdrawal Rates

    Chief Investment Officer Kevin Grogan answers this common question by exploring the factors that impact your portfolio, the three phases of retirement, the 4% rule of thumb and Buckingham’s deep dive approach.

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  • Retirement

    April 24, 2023

    How to Assess the Top 5 Risks in Retirement

    Retirees face five key risks when planning their lifestyle after their working years, and more surprisingly, they often underestimate them. Here’s what retirees should know to prepare.

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  • Family Life & Transitions

    January 02, 2023

    Ring in the New Year with a Fresh Look at Your Financial Plan

    As you get started on your resolutions this year, don’t forget to flex your fiscal muscles and review your financial goals. Six smart strategies will help you plan for the best year yet.

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  • Retirement

    November 10, 2022

    The Great Retirement Debate

    In his latest venture, Jeff Levine has teamed up with financial heavyweight Ed Slott of Ed Slott and Company to launch a brand new, consumer-friendly podcast, The Great Retirement Debate.

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  • Retirement

    October 10, 2022

    The A, B, Cs of Medicare

    Medicare open enrollment is upon us. Where do you start?

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  • Investing

    November 01, 2021

    Do Low Fixed Income Yields Have You Worried About Retirement?

    Learn how you can give yourself the best odds of meeting your retirement goals in today’s low-yield environment for fixed income.

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  • Retirement

    October 18, 2021

    Nearing Retirement with Student Loan Debt? Here Are Steps to Consider

    Do you find yourself asking questions about the best way to pay off student loan debt in retirement? If so, take a look at these steps for seniors and retirees to consider.

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  • Retirement

    August 26, 2021

    Does Planning End at Retirement?

    So you've just retired. Other than tee times and travel, there isn’t much planning left, is there? Of course there is. Learn some prudent planning strategies to optimally manage this life and financial transition.

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  • Education Funding

    August 16, 2021

    SECURE Act 2.0 and Student Loans

    What if you could simultaneously pay off student loans and save for retirement? Enter the SECURE Act 2.0.

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  • Family Life & Transitions

    August 09, 2021

    Pandemic Pivots: Questions to Ask Yourself About 7 Planning Topics

    Has the pandemic and its fallout led you to reevaluate what you want from the future? While any changes to a holistic financial life plan in response to these events will look different for everyone, a few common themes have surfaced that are worth exploring.

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  • Retirement

    May 04, 2021

    Four Steps to Set Yourself Up for Financial Success

    Making big, hairy, audacious goals is easy. Achieving those goals by yourself is much harder. Nearly everyone has had some experience with just how difficult successful personal or financial change can be, and especially sticking with it over time. For evidence, look no further than the infamous New Year’s resolution.

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  • Retirement

    August 04, 2020

    Reframing the Social Security Claiming Decision for Married Couples

    Nobody wants to leave Social Security dollars on the table because of a poor decision about when to begin taking retirement benefits. Learn how married couples can reframe their thinking around Social Security with this wealth planning hack.

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