
Upcoming Events

As passionate communicators and educators, we offer a variety of programs for our clients and community. Participate in nationally coordinated informational sessions with our industry thought leaders, local education programs, client celebrations and special events. Our Buckingham Connects suite of educational programs includes webcasts, blogs, videos, seminars and more — so you can join us in whatever way you find most engaging.

All Events

  • July 30th, 2024 | 11:30 a.m. Central


    Planning Through Divorce: 5 Considerations to Safeguard Your Future

    Going through a divorce brings what feels like a million financial decisions to make. What should you focus on when navigating your options?

  • August 29th, 2024 | 11:30 a.m. Central


    Long-Term Health Care: Exploring Your Options and Costs

    How can you be sure you’re making informed decisions about your health care needs as you age? And when is the best time to start planning?