Our Resources

Buckingham clients enjoy access to a wealth of our continuously updated insights and educational resources. As a trusted, go-to voice in the industry, we also publish some of our findings and perspectives for everyone’s benefit. From articles to podcasts to videos, see our latest below.

  • Investing

    February 26, 2024

    How Your Advisor Can Build a Plan Based on Your Values

    Your values—or what matters most to you—drive every decision you make in life. So, what does that mean for your financial plan?

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  • Cashflow & Budgeting

    October 02, 2023

    Five Money Conversations You Need to Have with Your Partner

    Strong communication is important to ensure each partner is on the same page regarding short- and long-term goals. Adviser Ryne Vickery outlines how to get the conversation started.

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  • Investing

    September 11, 2023

    6 Steps to Plan for a Future Inheritance

    Whether you’re expecting a life-changing inheritance or not expecting anything from your loved ones, conversations about this topic can be uncomfortable. Planning early makes it easier to navigate the important steps to ensure a transfer of wealth goes smoothly.

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  • Investing

    July 19, 2023

    The Power of an Enrolled Agent as Your Financial Advisor

    Amanda Otto shares what an EA is and how this advisor provides valuable insights on tax-efficient investment strategies, retirement planning, estate planning and more.

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  • Family Life & Transitions

    February 13, 2023

    Recently Widowed: Dealing with Immediate Financial Concerns and Planning for the Future

    The strong emotions associated with the death of a spouse can become even more amplified by the overwhelming host of financial issues that need to be addressed. Where does one start?

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  • Investing

    January 17, 2023

    2022’s Investment Lessons

    While each year features new twists on the age-old investment stories, smart investors know how to apply the same basic principles to every event.

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  • Family Life & Transitions

    January 02, 2023

    Ring in the New Year with a Fresh Look at Your Financial Plan

    As you get started on your resolutions this year, don’t forget to flex your fiscal muscles and review your financial goals. Six smart strategies will help you plan for the best year yet.

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  • Family Life & Transitions

    August 29, 2022

    How to Find an Advisor You Can Trust

    Buckingham Strategic Wealth Chief Research Officer Larry Swedroe has compiled a list of five criteria that should be an absolute requirement when vetting a new advisor.

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  • Estate & Trust

    June 27, 2022

    Managing Your Digital Legacy

    We are all familiar with the benefits estate planning can provide. Yet, an often-overlooked part of estate planning is defining how our heirs should manage our digital assets after we pass or become incapacitated.

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  • Investing

    June 06, 2022

    The Human Side of Financial Planning

    Buckingham Wealth Advisor and Registered Life Planner® Ken Rosenbaum explains how utilizing an advisor who specializes in Life Planning can help you live your most rewarding, authentic and full life.

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  • Investing

    March 24, 2022

    5 Ways Women Can Take Control of Their Finances

    Women’s individual and collective experiences, situations, challenges and solutions vary widely. This makes it nearly impossible – and irresponsible – to apply a “one size fits all” approach to women’s wealth management. But one thing we do know, our paths to achieving financial stability and success can vary greatly from those of men.

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  • Family Life & Transitions

    March 23, 2021

    Considering Divorce? How to Financially Prepare

    Regardless of the why behind the timing, if you are considering a divorce, there are some important things to think about from a financial perspective to make sure you are prepared.

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